Wednesday, June 2, 2010


CHIPOTLE IS VERY YUMMY. I love putting guacamole in my burrito. If i had the chance to eat at chipotles everyday I would. You know why because its good food. Its a decent price for the amount of it and its classy. Its not like Mcdonalds and burger king. Now there i wouldnt be able to eat everyday because its like eating just grease.

The truth what is it.

Now a days there's no such thing as truth because everything and everybody you know are fake in there own ways. SO there's no point in searching for truth when all you're gonna see are lies. Lies like what food is made up of to cover up how unhealthy and bad it is for you also like air brushed pictures of models who don't even look like how they are perceived in the media. EFFF THE TRUTH BECAUSE IT DOESNT EXIST!!!!

Black hawks????

I don't really watch hockey nor do i even know who the black hawks are. Im more of a UFC/ boxing sport person. UFC is a very interesting sport and Kimbo slice kicks but at the sport. This sport looks like a really hard sport compared to others because they say once you become a boxer or UFC fighter you can end up brain dead from each blow to the head. In these two sports you need alot of traing in martial arts and fighting techniques. My favorite boxers consist of Oscar De La Hoya, pretty boy Mayweather and Manny Paqciao.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

DJ name

My DJ name would probally DJ EeeJeyy. thats because ej is already my nick name. 
p.s rachel is awesome :))